sábado, 31 de março de 2012

Hora do Planeta 2012! Participe

The Kidneys and The Renal System

The Kidneys and The Renal System 
Kara Rogers
Library Binding: 174 pages
Publisher: Rosen Education Service 

(December 15, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 161530679X
ISBN-13: 978-1615306794


Responsible for managing the body’s waste and regulating 

the balance of water and electrolytes, the kidneys and renal 
system, in a sense, make up the body’s plumbing network. 
When any part of the system fails or does not function 
properly, the body may be subject to unnatural concentrations of certain substances, causing 
illness or even death. This volume examines the various components of the renal, or urinary, 
system, and the consequences of dysfunction and disease.


Noninvasive Continuous Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring with Nexfin

Noninvasive Continuous Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring with Nexfin

Um trabalho publicado no Anesthesiology, V 116 • No 5 1 May 2012 por Jerson R. Martina aborda o tema que estudos recentes tem mostrado a dificuldade de acurácia e precisão da correlação entre medidas invasivas e não-invasivas de pressão arterial durante cirurgias.

O estudo em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias cardio-torácicas mostra que medidas não invasivas de PA intra-operatórias usando o Nexfin permite uma reconstrução fisiológica com boa correlação com medidas invasivas, mesmo frente a largo espectro de mudanças de pressão.

Para ler o artigo, pegue-o aqui!

Sobre o Nexfin, tirado do site da empresa: http://www.bmeye.com

Incomparable Features

Nexfin_featuresUsing BMEYE monitors is easy and quick. Any healthcare professional, regardless of skills or experience, can set-up the device and start measuring. Within minutes after starting up, Nexfin displays accurate and reliable information immediately available for printing, USB transfer, or signal sharing.

Nexfin parameters

Nexfin provides continuous, beat-to-beat, real-time information on such critical vital signs as Cardiac Output and Blood Pressure, as well as Stroke Volume, Systemic Vascular Resistance and ECG. These integrated functional hemodynamic monitoring data empower clinicians to predict and proactively address the early signs of hemodynamic instability, and accurately see the effect of diagnostic or therapeutic interventions.

Monitored ParametersLabel
Systolic / diastolic blood pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure
Cardiac Output / Index 
Heart Rate 
Stroke Volume 
Systemic Vascular Resistance
Sys / Dia
dP / dt
 * Approval pending in the USA and Canada


I Simpósio Internacional de Hemostasia e Trombose